Michael O.
2min Read

Virtual Private Servers

Virtual Private Servers

A VPS is an effective way to host your own website affordably and easily. A VPS, or virtual private server, has its own operating system, disc space and bandwidth. This means that a physical server that resides in a data centre is divided into several spaces that each creates their own virtual server. As a VPS account holder, you can see and access only your own virtual environment and use it as your own dedicated server. The VPS acts just like a dedicated server but without a number of the responsibilities and worries of a full dedicated server. Don’t forget to view our web hosting in Ghana offers.

The benefits of choosing a VPS

The benefits of a HOSTAFRICA VPS account are endless. VPS hosting is a great interim before choosing a full dedicated server, as it offers all the benefits and can be the best middle ground between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Some of the benefits of choosing a VPS over other server solutions are:

  • VPS hosting is more affordable than a full dedicated hosting plan that uses a physical server.
  • HOSTAFRICA’s VPS plans are easily scalable, allowing you to upgrade or alter your service as your needs change and grow.
  • With a VPS you have far more control over your virtual server than you would with shared hosting.
  • You have full root access and can deploy the scripts you need, unlike most shared hosting environments.
  • You have access to better technical support than with shared hosting.

HOSTAFRICA offers everything you need for VPS and more

Choose from a comprehensive selection of HOSTAFRICA VPS plans for your Linux or Windows system. These VPS servers can be based in South Africa or in Europe, on a monthly or yearly contract. Whichever contract you select, the plan offers weekly backups as well as manual backups that can be done at any time as you require. HOSTAFRICA only deploys SSDs as they are more reliable and up to 20 times faster than standard SATA disc drives. With flexible plans, you can upgrade and customise your plan anytime, including adding more IPs as your business grows. They guarantee for 99.9 percent uptime and ensure that your VPS solution is secure, reliable and consistent at all times.

HostAfricaFor affordable, comprehensive VPS solutions, contact HOSTAFRICA today.

The Author

Michael O.

Michael is the founder, managing director, and CEO of HOSTAFRICA. He studied at Friedrich Schiller University Jena and was inspired by Cape Town's beauty to bring his German expertise to Africa. Before HOSTAFRICA, Michael was the Managing Director of Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange AG, one of Germany's largest virtual server providers.

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